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Bubbles Photography Tips -Shining under the sun-

The shining soap bubble is very beautiful. But it's difficult to take picture of those, under the sun.
I'll teach you Tips to take picture of shining bubble outside.

Why is it difficult shining bubble photography?

I have failed like this.
Those are not shining...

Those have assimilated with sky...

I thought because of
  • a bubble are moving ---> slip auto focus
  • a bubble are small ---> auto focus can't catch
  • a bubble shines by the reflected light of the sun ---> we must stand sun side
So, let's try solution tips!

Tips1. Using manual focus not auto

Auto focus can't moving and small bubbles. So, I recommend you using manual focus.
If you can't decide distance, try to match position to your stretching arm. It's about 60cm, after a few shooting, please adjust your good position.

Tips2. Shutter speed = fast

To catch moving bubbles, I recommend you setting shutter speed fast. My setting is...
  • Shutter speed 1/4000〜1/2000
  • F value about 2.8〜5 
  • ISO about 800(according to shutter speed and F value)

Tips3. In the sun, against the sun

We can't see the difference between out of the sun and in the sun, but can see in pictures.
When you in the sun and you see bubbles eye level or little look up, bubbles are shining in your pictures.
And a case against the sun, bubbles are more shining. Try it!

Examples by me

Shining under the sun

I do 3 tips and take this picture. Overcome failed pictures ;)

Shining big bubble

I make the big bubble, shoot expansion. I make good shining bubble to take the bubble between the sun and camera, like against the sun.

Dare to not follow 3 tips 

Try to dare to not follow 3 tips, photography became like this.
In the shade, and look up completely.
It is beautiful in another way.

Let's try :)

Bubbles Photography Tips -Shining under the sun- Bubbles Photography Tips -Shining under the sun- Reviewed by SHIMA-UMA on 3:03 PM Rating: 5

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